Monday, June 30, 2008

Future Domer?

oh my! Our little guy is growing up so fast! Do y'all agree with me that these photos should be brought out in the future on prom night? :)

Note that he is reading a Notre Dame book - He is his daddy's son!


Delilah and Rocket said...

1st date night bribery for sure!

WithFingersCrossed said...

Ahhh, for some reason it's photos like these that seem to make up what I envision to be the joys of parenting - the tiny bits of everyday life that can be so easily overlooked, but with a sense of humor and a keen ability to appreciate the small things, are the moments that you will appreciate for a lifetime. Thanks for sharing, Jodi.

And beyond first date bribery, those should definately make the photo album that is created when he gets married. LOL!