Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 1

and all is well...................


Amanda @ Click. The Good News said...

Hi! I just found your blog at the perfect time. Congrats on the litter. Can't wait to see the Vizsla puppies grow up. I've got a fabulous 6 year old Vizsla & love puppies!

Anonymous said...

Vizsla sausages! I just love 'em!

Jodi - aka Crazy Vizsla Lady said...

Welcome to our little spot on the web! We love puppies too ;)

Dennis, I think they look like sweet potatoes!

Delilah and Rocket said...

What a sweet, sweet picture of mom & pups.

Congrats on your new litter.

Can't wait to watch them grow up.

Anonymous said...

aahhh - they look sooo sweet! I want to cuddle them :-)